Ready or not, here we come.

When we were kids we often played “hide and seek”. The person doing the “seeking” would count to 100 and then shout “Ready or not, here I come.” That’s how we feel right now. This morning during our prayer time with our group of 6 men who meet every weekday to walk and pray one of the men asked me if we were ready to leave for the States. My response was that “As long as I can grab my computer, I am ready to leave at any moment.”

The reality is that I am sure this has to be the busiest week of our lives. We appreciate your prayers as we finish up this term of ministry.

May 15-17: On the weekend of May 15-17 we are starting our Bible Institute program in Choluteca. This is the realization of a dream that has been developing over the last several years. Angie and I are both signed up for the Old Testament Survey class along with 35 other people. Most of them are from the new Shalom Church. It will be an intensive weekend and our brains will be worn out by Sunday morning.

May 17: On Sunday evening Larry is scheduled to preach at the Shalom church for the last time before we leave. This church is only three months old and is growing daily. It is a huge challenge to prepare a message that is intended to motivate everyone.

May 18-19: On Monday we will meet my brother Wyatt who is flying into Honduras to accompany us on the trip home. I don’t think I would ever attempt the trip without both Angie and Wyatt. Angie makes everything happen with the logistics. Without her Wyatt and I would end up stranded somewhere in Mexico. Wyatt keeps the trip interesting with his Kentucky philosophy and updates from everyone in Ohio. Tim Spetnagel will accompany us as well.
May 20: We could not have a better “going away party” planned. Our denominational leadership is going to be in Choluteca to officially recognize the Shalom congregation. More importantly, we have gotten permission to hold the service on the property that we are hoping to purchase. The most exciting part for me is that Renaldo our long-time co-worker will be given official recognition by the denomination as a pastor.

May 21: Pack up my computer

May 22: Leave for the U.S.A. The trip should take us around 10 days to arrive in Ohio.


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