Visiting friends in the southern United States

By Angie Overholt

What a privilege to be able to make a trip through some of the southern states in September. We were able to see some of the retirees from World Gospel Mission and also visited some people who have been a part of our support team for most of our career. We are continually amazed at the wealth of experience they all have. It was a highlight of our Home Ministry Assignment to be able to see them again.

We enjoyed getting to visit with Lois Henry (at left) for a short time. Lois actually taught my mother's  Sunday School class when Lois was a student at Asbury College, and my mom was a teenager. I heard about Lois all of my life and then had the privilege of serving with Lois in Honduras for many years before she retired.

Sue Steury (at right) is a retired missionary from Kenya. It was great to be in her home and see it decorated with so many remembrances of Kenya, Africa. Sue and her husband Ernie also served as our missionary pastors to Honduras after their retirement from service in Kenya. They had made several trips to Honduras in that capacity.

It was especially good to see Marion Lewton, retired missionary from Kenya since we also got to see her daughter Colleen Hawk who was spending a few days with her. Colleen and Terry are our Honduras field directors. Marion is recuperating from shoulder surgery, so she and Angie had a lot in common as they compared scars.

We also got see Burnis and Thelma Bushong. Burnis and Thelma has served as missionaries on the Texas border and in Honduras. Burnis was a Vice President at World Gospel Mission when we started as missionaries in 1980. It was encouraging for us that they are still so interested in hearing about the ministry in Honduras. We stopped in to see Reba Peters a long time member of our support team. Eldred and Luanne Kelley were gracious in hosting us while we were in Avon Park. We were even able to schedule a meeting with Paula Crist our WGM "coach" who lives in Florida.

Besides catching of with the people in the Avon Park area, we stopped in Alabama to visit the Buckners who are long time friends. We also scheduled time to visit the Bill and Jan Buell (on Left, along with their son Mark) who are a retired pastor couple from Ohio. Bill actually attended Asbury College with my dad, so it has been a very long friendship. We had recently visited a couple of the churches that the Buells had served in so we were able to update them on what a blessing those churches continue to be to us. Bill is typical of a lot a pastors who we know in the sense that they never really retire. Bill continues to minister to a congregation near where they are living.

One of the greatest blessings of being missionaries with World Gospel Mission is that we have made close friends with so many special people.


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