By Larry Overholt-We just went through one of the hardest and at the same time one of the most joyous afternoons in our lives. We were at the memorial service for Angie's brother Rick Hash. It was extremely difficult because we will obviously miss Rick. At the same time it was a small glimpse of heaven.
Rick was my brother-in-law, good friend, and a great brother in Christ. Rick was loved by people around the world for his support of the missionary effort of the Church. He was loved by people at home because he was always encouraging anyone he knew. Rick was loved by his family.
Community Bible Church in Rootstown, Ohio was packed. There were over 400 chairs set up and there were very few empty ones. The service was scheduled to start at 4:00 pm. The prelude started a little before that. Mitch Lambert had put together a powerpoint presentation including a couple hundred photos including Rick. He commented afterwards that he had difficulty finding a clear picture of Rick by himself. He was always in the background. They played two of Ricks favorite songs: His Eye is on the Sparrow and It is well with my soul. Every time I would just about get my emotions under control they would play another of Rick's favorite hymns. We sang a congregational song: Wonderful Grace of Jesus.
Pastor Scott opened with some thoughts from Joshua 1:9. Rick's and Patti's kids stood up front together while Stephen gave a tribute to his dad. It was very moving. There was a time of sharing from the congregation. One thing that stuck out to me is that in one way or another several people mentioned the fact that people saw Christ in Rick. Probably 8 or 10 people shared. Some were from PRN Therapy services, the director of Things to Come Mission and others from the Church. Dale Dorothy and Glenna were there, and Dale read a letter from Larry Carr, who is Patti's brother and missionary with World Gospel Mission to Paraguay. Dale also gave condolences from the Mission. Terry and Colleen Hawk were in attendance as well.
Pastor Scott finished with some closing thoughts and we ended with the hymn, Victory in Jesus.
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