What's in your toolbox?-David Hawk (El Salvador)

God gives each of us gifts and abilities to be able to serve Him. Consider these tools in our "tool box." These tools need to be developed to be effective in ministry or for basic things as making a living. In Choluteca, young men and women have been studying at the USA Vocational training center developing new tools for use in ministry and their daily lives. Without these tools it is impossible for them to do basic things like provide effectively for their family or be productive in the local work force. Beyond basic vocational skills, students are given a unique opportunity to develop academically and most importantly they are exposed to the Gospel message. As students receive Christ and receive much needed training, they become a part of the body of Christ, each member with a specific purpose. Through the USA Vocational Center they acquire the needed tools to be effective in life and ministry.
The best tools usually are costly. This is true with the training that goes on at the voc center. We work hard to develop skills and abilities in our students that are of good quality. The best tools are also those that are durable. We teach that all skills need to be kept sharp by honing them. At the vocational school we teach the importance of ongoing training and developing all the tools in our toolbox.
And the best tools are those that are designed for a specific job and purpose.....
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