Full and Complete Joy

Jesus told his disciples, “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.” (John 15: 11)
I wrote in my annual report for the Mission that the past year had been one of the most difficult that Angie and I had ever experienced. In such a difficult time, God can completely bless us as His children, but apart from Him we are powerless to do anything.
A new church, Shalom, has started on the clinic property and we are experiencing the peace and complete joy of being part of a vibrant congregation that “is seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33 NKJV). People who have spent a lifetime of living according to their own desires are now coming to the Lord and seeking His will for their lives. Discipleship groups have been started for the men and youth. We have Sunday School classes for children and adults. People are involved in outreach ministries. Over 20 people have signed up to be part of the first class in a formal Bible Institute.
This morning my joy was complete when I saw Antonio sitting on the clinic porch with his nephew Gustavo and his brother Chacho on each side. Antonio has been diagnosed with triple hernias in his back. He will be going to the hospital tomorrow to prepare for surgery.
Antonio had accepted the Lord a week earlier when Chacho had stopped by his house to witness to him one more time. Chacho explained to Antonio that he shouldn’t come to God just to ask for favors when he has problems. Jesus Christ wants us to have a continual personal relationship with Him.
Today Antonio joined us in the Sunday School class. The youth had made tutti-frutti pop sickles and Antonio was sitting there calmly enjoying one of them. He abruptly broke into sobs when Gustavo and Chacho sat down beside him to express their joy at having their uncle and brother now become a brother in Christ.
We appreciate your prayers for Antonio and other new converts.
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