Recipe for a blessing-Larry Overholt

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35 NIV
Chapter 20 of the book of Acts relates a fascinating portion of the history of the early Church. I won’t get into the details of the entire chapter but I am continually reminded of the blessings that come from working hard to help others.
We recently hosted a group of nine people who came to help us out with some of the urgent projects that we needed to get done in Choluteca. Almost all of the people who came had attended Indian Springs Camp Meeting last summer. Angie and I had been at the camp and had invited them to come and invest personally in what God is doing in southern Honduras.
The jobs that the team did were important. They built a storage building and maintenance work shop at the school. They also made a ladder golf set (aka. Hillbilly golf), corn hole toss game and painted at the school. The women did a variety of tasks with Angie including going to the market and buying clothes for needy school children.
From our perspective as missionaries, the most important part of any work team is the relationships that are built between missionaries and team members, and between team members themselves, but most importantly between team members and Hondurans. These experiences will never be forgotten.
Bill and Candy Brummer were the work team leaders. We have known them for years and they have been to Honduras several times on work teams. Bill wrote- “For me, the highlight of this trip was to learn from our host missionary the following comment made to him by one of the Hondurans that we worked with: ‘These are holiness people, aren’t they?’ (referring to our team members). This simple comment summarized for me the essence of living a lifestyle that reflects the love of Jesus. Through the language barrier, this Honduran could sense that common bond that we have of “holiness” – that is, experiencing not only the salvation from our sins that our belief in Jesus provides, but also the experience of “entire sanctification” or “Spirit-filled” – that power that Christ gives us to live a life in which we are able to choose to avoid sin.”
We encourage you to get involved in giving of yourself by being part of a work team with World Gospel Mission. Based on past experiences, I know that the blessing that you receive will be greater than you can even imagine.
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