"A friend who sticks closer than a brother"
One of the blessings of a missionary is that he has many great friends from all around the world. Our family members are among our closest friends. We stay in touch with them even though we are far apart geographically. I have many fellow missionaries who are close friends, too. There is a unique bond between us that words cannot explain. Many of our support team are also our close friends. They have continually encouraged us and prayed for the ministry that we are involved in.
Armando is a godly friend who has always stayed close to me. I remember when he first started coming to church during the first years of the ministry in Choluteca. He often recalls how he had given up hope physically. The medicines that he was taking did not help. Someone invited him to church and he accepted the Lord and the pain that he had been having in his legs was gone. He was given new strength and a new hope.
There is also a very special place in my heart for a group of men who have continually stood beside me in our work in Choluteca. Someone recently asked us how so much was accomplished in Choluteca. We could not accomplish even a small percentage of what is done if we did not have such valuable friends helping us. Chacho, for example, helped us unload our belongings from the truck when we moved here in September of 2000 and has never left. He has now taken over the maintenance work at the vocational school. He and several other men share the responsibilities of accompanying me whenever I travel to one of the village churches.

Since Armando's strength returned to his body, he started working on the construction of the clinic and other projects. No one can get him to slow down and take it easy.
Since Armando has been helping with starting a new church in his community, he says that these are the happiest days of his life. He is active in evangelism and his role is changing in his job. I feel led to ask for your prayers for Armando as it is becoming obvious that his eyesight is failing to the point that he will not be able to continue working in construction.
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